Data to enrich your online business

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Everything you need

All-in-one platform

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Project Management

Streamline your projects from start to finish with powerful project management tools that help you plan, execute, and deliver on time.

Kanban View

Visualize your workflow with the Kanban view, allowing you to move tasks through stages and see progress at a glance.

List View

Manage tasks in a structured list view, perfect for detailed planning and keeping track of every task and subtask.


Use task cards to capture all relevant information in one place, including descriptions, due dates, assignees, and more.

Sub Tasks

Break down complex tasks into manageable subtasks, ensuring every step is accounted for and nothing is overlooked.


Enhance communication with in-task comments, allowing team members to discuss details, share updates, and provide feedback directly within tasks.





Open task in custom url

Open task in custom url


The right price for you, whoever you are

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Harum sequi unde repudiandae natus.


$580 /mo


Frequently asked questions